rabbit&wolf spaces are created to be safe and nurturing. respect and tolerance are required.
if you’ve never read your poetry out loud before, come to an open mic. you can be as shy as you want, but bring something to read in case you find your bravery (we’ll all be there to help). content is open to anything except hate speech.
there are also curated readings and events that seek to find subversive voices and pair poetry with the unexpected - the wild ideas will continue to unfold .
with your help, we’re building the sweetest community i’ve ever witnessed. keep showing up with your hearts in your mouths ready to speak what you know.
Please come and listen and feel and be brave and be shy. Bring us your poems or someone else's poems that you want to read out loud or a nice or sexy story that you want to tell in 5 minutes or less. Make us think, laugh, or squirm with delight or discomfort. Get wild or stay tame. We're all here to see it
**first time readers and non-reading observers encouraged**
This is a queer centered, ally friendly space. Content is open to anything except hate speech. Respect and tolerance are required.
Every third Friday !
Fox Market & Bar
3070 U.S. Rte 2, East Montpelier
rabbit&wolf hosts intimate evenings of poetry at The Front Gallery in Montpelier, featuring a pair of poets, at least one from the Poetry Society of Vermont
Six second Thursdays in 2025. 6:30-8p.
Past Poets at The Front can be found HERE
rabbit&wolf is bringing this steamy love-fest to Foxy’s in Barre on 2/14.
This event was born out of shedding shame around our bodies, our sexualities, and how we choose to be in the world with them. The best way I know how to do that is with writing.
Please come and listen and feel and be brave and be shy. Bring us your poems or someone else's poems that you want to read out loud or a nice or sexy story that you want to tell in 5 minutes or less. Make us think, laugh, or squirm with delight or discomfort. Get wild or stay tame. We're all here to see it
**first time readers and non-reading observers encouraged**
This is a queer centered, ally friendly space. Content is open to anything except hate speech. Respect and tolerance are required.
September 20, 7-9p
Fox Market & Bar
3070 U.S. Rte 2, East Montpelier
rabbit&wolf hosts intimate evenings of poetry at The Front Gallery in Montpelier, featuring a pair of poets, at least one from the Poetry Society of Vermont
Inconsistent second Thursdays. 6:30-8p.
September 12 features PSOV’s Julia Alter as well as Justin Bigos!
Past Poets at The Front can be found HERE
This series debuts with Liv Mammone of Long Island. Liv is my favoritist queer and disabled advocate/activist poet and I am delighted to host them on their book tour!!! Come be treated with me.
Also, your adorably awkward r&w host (me) is opening the night.
We’ll maybe end with a Q&A.
August 30, 7-9p
Fox Market & Bar
3070 U.S. Rte 2, East Montpelier
Heather Omand will be our featured reader to start the night before we open the floor to all the rest of you cuties. Ki will be moving to Maine and this is the final read before that happens.
Please come and listen and feel and be brave and be shy. Bring us your poems or someone else's poems that you want to read out loud or a nice or sexy story that you want to tell in 5 minutes or less. Make us think, laugh, or squirm with delight or discomfort. Get wild or stay tame. We're all here to see it
**first time readers and non-reading observers encouraged**
This is a queer centered, ally friendly space. Content is open to anything except hate speech. Respect and tolerance are required.
August 16, 7-9p
Fox Market & Bar
3070 U.S. Rte 2, East Montpelier
Queer Pride Summer Lovin’ Edition!
a curated extravaganza with audience participation in the form of anonymous dirty love notes written onsite - read on the mic by your host
Friday, 6/7
Fox Market & Bar
3070 U.S. Rte 2, East Montpelier
rabbit&wolf's final virtual open mic is featuring Poetry Society of Vermont's editor, Erika Nichols-Fraser!
Meeting ID
Phone Numbers
(US)+1 470-243-0771
PIN: 309 761 534#
rabbit&wolf virtual open mic!
Sunday 4/14
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 879 6532 4975
Passcode: 643713
Open Mic!
Friday 4/19!
Fox Market & Bar
3070 U.S. Rte 2, East Montpelier
a rabbit&wolf series mingling local punk/punk adjacent bands with feisty poets
debuting with Violet Crimes and Mr. Doubtfire
featured poets to be announced
.the revolution has begun.
Thursday 3/28
Bent Nails Bistro
Langdon Street, Montpelier
rabbit&wolf is trying out virtual open mics!
Sunday 3/10
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 820 0318 3823
Passcode: 826246
Open Mic!
Saturday 2/24
Fox Market & Bar
3070 U.S. Rte 2, East Montpelier
featuring Heather Ormand & Miriam Ben-Dur
Anonymous dirty love notes written by you onsite - random selections read on the mic by your host
Friday, 2/9
Fox Market & Bar
3070 U.S. Rte 2, East Montpelier
Open Mic!
Fox Market & Bar
3070 U.S. Rte 2, East Montpelier
Open Mic!
Fox Market & Bar
3070 U.S. Rte 2, East Montpelier
Poetry Open Mic & Community Dinner
Friday, 11/10
Another Way
125 Barre Street, Montpelier
Open Mic!
Fox Market & Bar
3070 U.S. Rte 2, East Montpelier
Poetry Open Mic & Community Dinner
Friday, 10/6
Another Way
125 Barre Street, Montpelier
Friday, 9/22
Skinny Pancake
89 Main Street, Montpelier
Open Mic!
Fox Market & Bar
3070 U.S. Rte 2, East Montpelier
Open Mic!
Friday, 8/11
Fox Market & Bar
3070 U.S. Rte 2, East Montpelier
Due to flood damages, this will not be able to take place at Bent Nails Bistro. Consider donating to their GoFundMe if that is possible for you.
If it is rescheduled when our beloved Bistro is back on its feet, you’ll know about it!
As of 7/29, we raised $875 for Another Way in Montpelier and The Rainbow Bridge Community Center in Barre City. Both organizations do incredibly important work in our communities and supporting them is directly supporting the folks who live here. In the works: an onsite reading at Another Way.
We’ve raised $500 as of 7/23!
The funds are being split between Another Way in Montpelier & The Rainbow Bridge Community Center in Barre City.
Next reading: Friday, 7/28, 6:30-8:00pm, Montpelier Senior Activity Center
A flood relief benefit for Another Way in Montpelier & The Rainbow Bridge Community Center in Barre City
Skinny Pancake (Montpelier location)
Saturday, 7/22, 3:00-4:30pm
Montpelier Senior Activity Center
Friday, 7/28, 6:30-8:00pm
Wednesday, 7/ 7, 6-8pm
Kellogg Hubbard Library Hayes Room
135 Main Street, Montpelier
Eve Alexandra
Judith Chalmer
Kim Ward
Samn Stockwell
Friday, 7/16, 7-9pm
Fox Market & Bar
3070 U.S. Rte 2, East Montpelier
Eva Zimet
Gus Roberson
Jordan Turk
Buffy Aakaash